Included in this section will be everything you need to know in regards to your Caress or Skyline leaking. Please find listed below a summary of what is spoke about in this page:
Common Causes
Quick fixes and solutions
Additional support
Worn down seals - If your Skyline machine is actively in use then it is normal for the seals to wear down overtime. Leaking has occured from this as evetually there will be more room for product to escape through. Having said this, if worn down seals are left for long periods of time it can cause your machine to leake from the back leg as well as the tap.
Blockages - If correct cleaning procedures are carried out then it is very unlikely that blockages will occur. However, if this does happen then it would typically happen underneath the machine bowls due to a build up of condensation, causing no water to be dispensed into the drip trays. As a result of this, your Skyline machine may begin to leak this water from either side of the bowls.
For correct cleaning instructions and guidance, please visit our Further Assistance page.
Unsecure bowls - Due to the Caress machine not containing seals, there are little to no ways that this machine could leak and if it does it is commonly this reason. After a deep clean has taken place or if the bowls have shifted in transit then it could cause a leak underneath due to it not being securely fastned.
Worn down seals - This can be resolved by ordering new seals via our webshop and re-greased before installing. It is extremely important to grease seals when possible to ensure that all mechanic parts move with ease.
Blockages - To unblock the build-up of condensation from underneath the Skyline bowls, we recommend using a syringe to suction out what may be stuck OR use a metal wire to push-up product through the drip tray pipe. If you do require assistance on this, please see the bottom of this page for relevant contact information.
** To prevent this from occuring again, spray food-safe sanitiser underneath each bowl everynight or as regular as possible **
Unsecure bowls - A simple fix on this would be to dettach the bowls safely and replace the correctly (bowls should not move and they should click into place). This is usually easier to carry out once bowls have been emptied to avoid losing product.
** TOP TIP - Before replacing the bowls so they are fitted correctly, ensure that the black rubber seal is completelydry so they will have a stronger grip which will make it easier for the bowls to clip in **
If these quick-fixes and solutions do not help with the faults you are experiencing, or if you seek advice and have any further questions, please call the telephone number below and select OPTION 2 to speak to one of our experienced and educated engineer's: